Monday 22 December 2014


There are times in everyone's life where they feel no good and like they have nobody to turn to. But today has been one of those days where I have taken a good second to think about the people I am surrounded by and how much they mean to me.

-This morning; I woke up to message from someone, just to say hi. Very few people will know how much that meant to me, as it was an old friend.
-Today I organised to meet up with two of my closest friends; simply being in their presence elevated my mood and I was happy to be there.
-Tonight, I told two good friends about my blog, and they both showed an immense amount of support and concern for my mental health (which was lovely, even though I am okay!)

So I have come to realise that the most important people in my life (besides family) I don't even have to stress about them being there, as I know they always will be.

Kindly and Considerably

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