Sunday, 14 December 2014

'Love is all you need...'

I have had one of the most interesting, yet draining, exciting, incredible weeks of my life. I feel like a lot happened, but what was a common factor within these events, was the amazing group of people I was surrounded by.

One thing that happened this week was when a close friend of mine went through a trying time. All they had was an immense amount of support, and all was okay. It truly goes to show how much the love and encouragement of the people around you can influence your life in so many ways.

'Love is all you need'. This quote comes from a good friend of mine, who feels its relativity also. It is true that if you are loved, and you give love, everything will be okay in the end, that is an understatement as far as I'm concerned, as the feeling of love, not necessarily romantically, but mostly in friendships and family, is one of the greatest things one can experience;

Besides sushi.

Kindly and Considerably

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